Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast

Unleashing Your Voice: How to Craft Authentic Podcast Episode Content and Expand Your Reach

Carl Richards Season 6 Episode 135

Step out of the shadows and shatter the 'content myth' that's been holding you back from starting your podcasting journey. This episode is your guide to turning your personal experiences and professional insights into captivating podcast episodes. I'll show you how to weave your unique stories and perspectives into content that resonates with listeners, proving that there's always a spotlight waiting for your voice in the bustling podcast arena. No matter if you're taking your first entrepreneurial steps or you're a veteran in your field, I promise you'll find the confidence to share your story and connect with an audience craving your expertise.

Could your voice be the next to echo through the headphones of over 3 million listeners? Let's make that a reality as we discuss how to broaden your podcast's reach and make a lasting impact. I invite you to become a vibrant part of our community by suggesting future guests and topics, and by bringing your friends into our growing conversation. This episode isn't just about starting your podcasting adventure; it's about amplifying your voice and scaling new heights in listener engagement with authentic, personal touches that can only come from you. Join me, and let's journey together into the heart of podcasting success.

Bust through the myths, and get podcasting!

Podcast Jumpstart Bootcamp
Get the tools you need to be podcast ready!
Thursday May 8th 10am - 1pm
Here's what the bootcamp will cover:

  • Show Strategy (format, what it's about, target audience)
  • Basic Launch Roadmap (launch date, timeline)
  • Content For Your First 5 Episodes( templated for you to customize)
  • Time Optimization Strategies (strategy for recording, editing, promo

Plus the templates, tools and tech you need to get your show started!

BONUS #1 A copy of the e-book, 10 simple steps to launching your podcast
BONUS #2 15 minute Podcast strategy call with me, Carl Richards
Podcast Jumpstart Bootcamp

Got a question about something you heard today? Have a great suggestion for a topic or know someone who should be a guest? Reach out to us:

If you're ready to take the plunge and join the over 3 million people who have joined the podcast space, we'd love to hear your idea and help you get started! Book your Podcast Strategy Session today:

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Communication Connection Community, the podcaster's podcast. This podcast takes a deep dive into modern day communication strategies in the podcasting space. We chat with interesting people who make the podcasting and speaking spaces exciting and vibrant. We also dive into the podcasting community with news updates, latest trends and topics from this ever-evolving space. So strap in, it's going to be one amazing ride.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into today's episode. We have solutions, answers to questions and ideas that can help you bring your podcast to the universe, but then also tips and tricks and solutions to really bring out the best version of yourself, because that's what a podcast is about. Right, we've already established that a podcast, at least for business or from a business perspective, is a marketing tool. So we want to make sure that when we're doing that, when we're thinking of our podcast, that we're using it correctly. So that's why we wanted to put this podcast out there podcast that we're using it correctly. So that's why we wanted to put this podcast out there. And, like I said in a previous episode, there are not a lot of podcasts about podcasting. There are podcasts about marketing, there are podcasts about speaking, there are podcasts about other mediums which allow you to market and promote your business, but there are not a lot out there about the skill or the art if you can call it that of podcasting. So that's where this podcast came from. So we're very glad that you're along for the journey. If you ever have a question and I usually say this a couple of times in the show, but if you ever have a question don't hesitate to reach out. You can drop us an email. If you're ready for your podcast strategy, call with me. We sit down for 30 minutes and we go through what it is that you know your goals, what are your goals for podcasting, what are your goals for business, and how is a podcast going to help you fit into that space? We are in the middle of the five myths why people don't launch podcasts, and maybe some of these are resonating with you.

Speaker 1:

So previously we've talked about the money myth, the competition myth these are in no particular order, by the way, but today we want to talk about the content myth. It's the reason why a lot of people don't create content in the first place, whether it be social media content, whether it be written content for blogs or for emails. For emails, it's usually something along the lines of I don't know what I want to write or talk about. Writing in the sense of emails and publications, you know, books or articles, journals, things like that. But the content myth for a podcast is what am I ever going to speak about? What am I going to speak about? Going to speak about, what am I going to speak about? And, for that matter and we talked about this last time a little bit, but a little bit of the fame and fortune piece filters through into the content myth too, because a lot of people say well, I know people who are pretty famous, who are already talking about this stuff. You know, deepak Chopra talks about this, or Oprah Winfrey has talked about this, or Tony Robbins talks about this. So you know Deepak Chopra talks about this, or Oprah Winfrey has talked about this, or Tony Robbins talks about this. So you know if he's talking about it or they are talking about it. If I start talking about it, well, how am I going to be seen as the expert? So, plus, as I said, I don't know what I'm going to write or talk about. So, therefore, I'm not going to do a podcast. That is a lot to unbundle, but we're going to do it right now because let me tell you something about content.

Speaker 1:

If you've been in business for a year actually, you know what let's scrub that. Let's say if you have been on this earth. Let's say you're a fairly new and fairly young entrepreneur or business person. So let's say you are in your mid to late twenties All right, are you with me? And if you're older than that, by the way, you'll understand where I'm going with this too. If you are in your mid to late twenties, you have that much life experience to pull from as far as ideas, concepts, stories. And if we take it from a business perspective because that's what this is about If you are, you know, a budding entrepreneur or a coach or a consultant, you probably have some credibility already, even if you're just getting started.

Speaker 1:

There is something that you have done previously that has allowed you to take this leap of faith to be a coach, because being a coach it's not simple, it's not easy at all. Being a consultant, same thing. A lot of people get out of their respective industries and say I'm just going to be a consultant for my industry. It's not easy to make that transition. Consultant for my industry, it's not easy to make that transition. It's also not easy to make a transition altogether in careers that shifts you into being a subject matter expert in something completely different, such as real estate or finance. Or you know, a lot of people go to school to become lawyers. So being in that expert space it's never easy, right? But here's what you have. Here's what you have. Even if you are starting, you have some content. And, by the way, the longer you've been around, so, by the way, most of the people I work with I work with again a lot of coaches, consultants and subject matter experts doctors, lawyers, financial experts, real estate agents Most of those individuals who come to me already have at least 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, sometimes 30 plus years experience in their industry.

Speaker 1:

Do you think a 25-year veteran in real estate or 25-year coach that's taught marketing or business has some ideas about marketing and business? Well, of course, it stands to reason. So you have content. It's how are you positioning that content, or how have you positioned that content up to now to be seen as the go-to expert? Okay, that's number one. Number two I will almost guarantee if you are a coach, if you are a consultant or if you are a subject matter expert of some kind, you are already creating content. You're creating it for social media Facebook, instagram, linkedin. Maybe even you're getting into Clubhouse, you are creating it, maybe even for TikTok, or you're sending content to your email list on a regular basis. Maybe you already have even a video series. There is your content right there.

Speaker 1:

When I started my podcast, speaking of Speaking, I remember sitting down and thinking about this. This was probably one of the biggest issues I had was where is my content going to come from? And I had to really take a step back and break it down. Simply because when you break it down, quite simply, and you have one piece of content per blog, per podcast, per per Facebook post, per LinkedIn post, whatever it is, when you have one subject area, one topic that you're going to cover in that three to five minute Facebook live, for example, guess what? It becomes easier.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about the five myths right now. I could have put all of those five myths into one episode and just said here's the five myths. Have at her, if you have questions, call me. I could have done that, but I didn't. I broke it down. I said let's the five myths. Have at her. If you have questions, call me. I could have done that, but I didn't. I broke it down. I said let's talk about the five myths one by one. Okay, so here's a great example of how to structure your content so that it's user-friendly for a podcast. Break it down.

Speaker 1:

If you have a piece of content that you've created for a blog, if you have a piece of content that you've created for a blog, well, a list of 10 things. Guess what? That becomes 10 separate podcast episodes. Now we're going to talk about the time myth a little later on. But some people say, well, won't those episodes then be too short If I'm only covering a little bit from that list in each one? Well, no, and we're going to cover that in more detail when we talk about the time myth, by the way, because time is something we have created and we'll dive into that in another couple of episodes.

Speaker 1:

But from a content creation perspective, one thought per episode, or one episode per thought, and you can break it down into subcategories, like we've done in some of these episodes. We've broken them down. As a matter of fact, my episode one talked about some of the great benefits of why you should have a podcast. I could have done that over five episodes and maybe if I went back, I could do that. I'm not going to do that, but I could. But that's the easiest way to think of your content is can I break it down, can I simplify it? And the answer is yes.

Speaker 1:

The other thing to keep in mind is if you are already creating content for a blog, for a video series, facebook lives, linkedin posts, emails you already have content. It's just a matter of restructuring it, reframing it or curating it for a podcast audience. And that's one of the things that we do at Podcast Solutions. Made Simple. All the live long day is we help people reframe their content so they can now have it not only now ready for their email list and their blog or to complement their blog, but now it's ready for a podcast. All right, so there is tons of content within you already. If you've written a book, you have lots of content in that book. You have at least, I'm going to guess, 90 to 100 pages worth of content in a book, sometimes even more. So you have content. Let's help you restructure it into a podcast so you can then take that and elevate your credibility, be seen as the go-to expert, create those touch points with your ideal audience so they can then decide for themselves if they're ready to do business with you.

Speaker 1:

If you have a question, don't hesitate to reach out. If you are ready to book your 30-minute podcast strategy session, also reach out. If you like what we're sharing with you, I encourage you to leave a comment and leave us a rating too. That's what helps us to leave a comment and leave us a rating too. That's what helps us to grow the audience and grow our fan base, but also it helps us take the information that we're sharing, bring it to the podcast universe and also just makes it easier for you, the listener, to decide whether or not this is a viable thing for you and your business and your brand.

Speaker 1:

The world is changing. It's becoming way more technical, way more tech savvy, way more digital than it's ever been. Let's help you get there and be seen in that light. We have two more myths still to come the tech myth and the time myth and I'm looking forward to sharing those with you in upcoming episodes. And thank you for joining us today. Special thanks to our producer and production lead, dom Coriglio, our music guru, nathan Simon, and the person who works the arms all of our arms, actually my trusty assistant, stephanie Gaffour, if you like what you heard today.

Speaker 1:

Leave us a comment and a review, and be sure to share it with your friends. If you don't like what you heard, please share it with your enemies. Oh, and if you have a suggestion of someone who you think would make an amazing guest on the show, let us know about it. Drop us an email, askcarl at carlspeaksca. Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter as well. You'll find all those links in the show notes, and if you're ready to take the plunge and join the over 3 million people who have said yes to podcasting, let's have a conversation. We'll show you the simplest way to get into the podcasting space, because, after all, we're podcast solutions made simple. We'll catch you next time.